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15:33, 21 April 2016 AFCEE-Natural Attenuation-Chlorinated Solvents-1999.pdf (file) 2.11 MB   1
16:38, 21 April 2016 Technical-Protocol-Evaluating-MNA-Chlorinated-Solvents.pdf (file) 2.51 MB   1
17:10, 21 April 2016 EPA-MNA-Chlorinated-Organics-Symposium.pdf (file) 2.42 MB   1
17:36, 21 April 2016 Role-of-DHC-Organism-Natural-Attenuation-Chlorinated-Ethylenes.pdf (file) 2.89 MB   1
18:42, 21 April 2016 Site-Characterization-Natural-Attenuation-VOC.pdf (file) 9.7 MB Framework for Site Characterization for Monitored Natural Attenuation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Ground Water 1
12:29, 22 April 2016 Fuels Protocol Monitoring Natural Attenuation-1.pdf (file) 6.27 MB Technical Protocol for MNA of fuel contamination in ground water. 1
12:59, 22 April 2016 Fuels Protocol Monitoring Natural Attenuation-2.pdf (file) 8.45 MB Technical Protocol for Monitoring Natural Attenuation of Fuel contamination vol 2 1
15:10, 22 April 2016 Guidance on Soil Vapor Extraction.pdf (file) 2.6 MB Guidance on Soil Vapor Extraction Optimization 1
15:22, 22 April 2016 National Academies Report on Fractured Rock.pdf (file) 3.86 MB Characterization, Modeling, Monitoring, and remediation of Fractured Rock 1
15:47, 22 April 2016 Natural Attenuation Groundwater Remediation Report 2000 .pdf (file) 3.07 MB   1
16:41, 22 April 2016 Principles and Practices Anaerobic Bioremediation.pdf (file) 9.27 MB Principles and Practices of Enhanced Anaerobic Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents 1
15:58, 5 May 2016 1999 Azadpour-Keeley EPA 540-S-99-001.pdf (file) 117 KB EPA Ground Water Issue 1
16:11, 5 May 2016 2001 Mohr Solvent Stabilizers.pdf (file) 849 KB Solvent Stabilizers 1
16:23, 5 May 2016 2003 UK Environ Agency R&D Pub 133.pdf (file) 790 KB Illustrated handbook of DNAPL Fate and Transport 1
16:29, 5 May 2016 2006 EPA 542-R-06-009.pdf (file) 1.25 MB Treatment Technologies for 1,4-Dioxane 1
16:35, 5 May 2016 2006 FRTR Meeting Report.pdf (file) 545 KB 2006 Roundtable Meeting 1
16:43, 5 May 2016 2006 Huling EPA 600R06072.pdf (file) 1.28 MB In-Situ Chemical Oxidation 1
16:48, 5 May 2016 2008 AFCEE A Primer for AF RPMs AFD-081010-028.pdf (file) 379 KB Primer for Air Force Remedial Program Managers and assessors for 1,4-Dioxane 1
17:01, 5 May 2016 Results of Analyses for 1,4-Dioxane in Groundwater Samples.pdf (file) 4.74 MB Results of Analyses for 1,4-dioxane in groundwater samples 1
17:16, 5 May 2016 2011 EPA Vapor Intrusion.pdf (file) 362 KB   1
17:40, 5 May 2016 2013 EPA Technical Fact Sheet 1,4-Dioxane.pdf (file) 88 KB Technical Fact Sheet for 1,4-Dioxane 1
17:49, 5 May 2016 EPA Bioventing Principles and Practice.pdf (file) 2.39 MB Bioventing Principles EPA 1
17:57, 5 May 2016 Vacuum Mediated LNAPL Recovery bioremediation.pdf (file) 169 KB Bioslurper Technology Profile 1
18:04, 5 May 2016 AFCEE Biov 1996.pdf (file) 1.31 MB AFCEE Bioventing June 1996 1
18:13, 5 May 2016 AFCEE BioSlurper Initiative 1997.pdf (file) 1.13 MB   1
18:23, 5 May 2016 AFCEE Long Term Monitoring Protocol 2000.pdf (file) 1.34 MB   1
11:47, 31 May 2016 AFCEE Protocol 2007 chlorinated solvents.pdf (file) 3.92 MB Protocol for insitu bioremediation of chlorinated solvents 1
14:50, 31 May 2016 Air Sparging 2002.pdf (file) 2.95 MB Air Sparging Paradigm 1
15:04, 31 May 2016 Alternatives full document EPA 2004.pdf (file) 18.79 MB Alternative Cleanup Technologies 1
15:38, 31 May 2016 API MNA MTBE protocol.pdf (file) 2.88 MB Technical Protocol for MNA of MTBE 1
15:49, 31 May 2016 CSIA Technical Paper.pdf (file) 376 KB Compound Specific Isotope Analysis 1
15:37, 13 October 2016 Impact of Gasohol and Fuelgrade Ethanol on BTX and Other Hydrocarbons.pdf (file) 767 KB The impact of Gasohol and Fuel Grade Ethanol on BTX and other Hydrocarbons in Ground Water: Effect on Concentrations near a source 1
15:50, 13 October 2016 Battelle 2010 API Arsenic Mngmnt.pdf (file) 2.28 MB Attenuation of Naturally occurring Arsenic at Petroleum Hydrocarbon-impacted sites 1
13:06, 18 October 2016 California LUFT Sites.pdf (file) 725 KB Remediation Progress at California LUFT Sites: Insights from the GeoTracker Database 1
13:10, 18 October 2016 Characterizing MTBE Releases.pdf (file) 251 KB Strategies for Characterizing Subsurface Releases of Gasoline Containing MTBE 1
13:13, 18 October 2016 CVOC Transformation - USEPA Groundwater Issue.pdf (file) 964 KB Ground Water Issue Paper: Synthesis Report on State of Understanding of Chlorinated Solvent Transformation 1
13:16, 18 October 2016 Diving Plumes.pdf (file) 2.61 MB Downward Solute Plume Migration: Assessment, Significance, and Implications for Characterization and Monitoring of "Diving Plumes" 1
13:23, 18 October 2016 Effect on Groundwater.pdf (file) 628 KB Predicting the Effect of Hydrocarbon and Hydrocarbon-Impacted Soil on Groundwater 1
13:27, 18 October 2016 EPA 600-R-08-148 CSIA.pdf (file) 3.46 MB A Guide for Assessing Biodegradation and Source Identification of Organic Ground Water Contaminants using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) 1
13:36, 18 October 2016 Epa bioremediation manual.pdf (file) epa_bioremediation_manual.pdf 2.41 MB Engineered Approaches to In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents: Fundamentals and Field Applications 1
13:40, 18 October 2016 EPA ISCO Issue Paper.pdf (file) 2.56 MB In-Situ Chemical Oxidation 1
15:23, 18 October 2016 EPA MNA of Inorganics Vol. 1.pdf (file) 2.5 MB Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water Vol. 1 1
15:26, 18 October 2016 EPA MNA of Inorganics Vol.2.pdf (file) 1.81 MB Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water Vol. 2 1
15:28, 18 October 2016 EPA OSWER 9200.4-17 MNA Directive.pdf (file) 278 KB Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Superfund, RCRA Corrective Action, and Underground Storage Tank Sites 1
15:35, 18 October 2016 EPA PHA PFOS PFOA.pdf (file) 226 KB Provisional Health Advisories for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) 1
15:42, 18 October 2016 Estimating Infiltration Rates.pdf (file) 116 KB Estimation of Infiltration and Recharge for Environmental Site Assessment 1
15:48, 18 October 2016 Ethhanol.pdf (file) 258 KB Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Ethanol Impacts to Groundwater 1
15:56, 18 October 2016 J and E Vapor Instrusion Model.pdf (file) 1.03 MB Identification of Critical Parameters for the Johnson and Ettinger (1991) Vapor Intrusion Model 1
16:07, 18 October 2016 Low K Remediation.pdf (file) 79 KB Summary of Processes, Human Exposures and Technologies Applicable to Low Permeability Soils 1
16:15, 18 October 2016 Managing Risk.pdf (file) 313 KB Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Managing Risk at LNAPL Sites 1
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